Sunshine Award

I was absolutely shocked and delighted when I started up my laptop this morning and discovered that I have been nominated for the Sunshine Award! What an unexpected honour this is- and I can only thank my readers and followers for enjoying and supporting my blog! And of course, a special thanks goes to Cameron…

I was absolutely shocked and delighted when I started up my laptop this morning and discovered that I have been nominated for the Sunshine Award! What an unexpected honour this is- and I can only thank my readers and followers for enjoying and supporting my blog!

And of course, a special thanks goes to Cameron Goodwin from Threads. He was the wonderful blogger who nominated me- a high compliment, since I really enjoy his posts on fashion and style. His attention to the history of fashion especially interest me, such this recent post on Louis Vuitton. Be sure to check out Cameron’s blog here.

Now, to move on to the Sunshine Award Rules:

  • You must display the above Sunshine Award logo on your blog
  • You must acknowledge the blogger who nominated you, and provide a link to their site
  • You must share seven random fun facts about yourself
  • You must nominate up to 15 other bloggers you admire for the Sunshine Award, and inform them of their nomination

Seven Fun Facts:

  1. I have two brothers- one is two years my junior, and is my general partner-in-crime and best friend. I count it an enormous blessing that my brother and I share many of the same interests (aviation, Formula One, hockey, British humour, etc.) and that we have always gotten along so well. The other brother is a dog named Crumpet; and is the sweetest-tempered animal I have ever met. My canine brother has an endearing personality and is always there to cheer me up and make me laugh.
  2. I (along with my human brother) was homeschooled from kindergarten through high school. Although sometimes I wished I could go to regular school like many of my friends did, I loved being homeschooled and I believe it’s thanks to homeschooling that I have such a positive relationship with my family and that I so enjoy learning (and writing)!
  3. Music is very important to me, and as a child I often played the piano and sang in the church choir. Nowadays, I enjoy music from many genres, from classical to ’60s British Invasion tunes. But my favourite type of music is ’80s rock- although the fashions and hairstyles were often cringe-worthy, the ’80s served up some fantastic rock bands! I especially love the Scorpions and Def Leppard. Both of those bands have brilliant vocalists and some crazy guitar!
  4. One of my favourite pastimes (although perhaps a strange one) is driving around the city. I love to just drive with the windows down and music blaring, and I don’t even care if the roads are jammed because I just love being out when there’s loads of things going on!
  5. I am very proud of the fact that I have fired a 50 cal sniper rifle. That was two years ago at a firing range near Hamilton, and my brother and I each purchased one round for the 50 cal (at the cost of something like $20 per round!). I was very nervous about firing it, especially after the range attendants looked surprised and stayed worryingly silent when I told them I would be firing one of the rounds! But it turned out to be an unbelievable experience. I fired at a steel target from 200 yards (hitting it, of course), and this lone shot was something I’ll remember forever.
  6. My favourite foods include all the British classics, such as Cornish pasties, steak & chips, cheese & onion sandwiches, and pork pies. But one of my especially beloved dishes hails from Russia, and is a boiled dumpling with a pork and beef filling. Called pelmeni, these dumplings are absolutely delicious with sour cream and a light salad, and I’ve had them many a time on my birthday!
  7. I have a great love of tumultuous weather. Although I don’t like plain old depressing rain, thunderstorms are fascinating and I love blizzards as well. The power of nature is quite astounding, and whenever lightning or strange meteorological effects are about, I take time to observe them.


There are so many amazing blogs and interesting people on, and since signing up in February, I’ve really enjoyed finding other individuals with similar interests to my own. Here are some of my favourite blogs:

What a neat idea this Sunshine Award is- I hope that it gives my nominees the same thrill and appreciation that it gave me!



Responses to “Sunshine Award”

  1. fashbazar

    So sweet of you to nominate us. We also love your blog!

    1. aerjacobs

      Thank you so much!

  2. gpcox

    Thank you for the honor.

  3. Maison Bentley Style

    Congrats to you!!..And a very big thank you from me..much appreciated!! xxxxxx

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