
Everyday Hardship: The Red Army Soldier’s Diet

Eating habits, as well as food technologies, have changed much over the past 75 years. While our grandparents grew up eating fresh, perhaps even home-grown, foods, today’s generation is more likely to live off staples such as Kraft Dinner or the ever-popular McDonald’s. My mum has told me how, as a child, she and her…

Eating habits, as well as food technologies, have changed much over the past 75 years. While our grandparents grew up eating fresh, perhaps even home-grown, foods, today’s generation is more likely to live off staples such as Kraft Dinner or the ever-popular McDonald’s. My mum has told me how, as a child, she and her five family members would share a tin of kippers as a snack. Nowadays, the snack of choice would perhaps be a bag of potato chips or a bowl of sugary cereal. Even those who strive to make healthier choices do not, in many instances, eat locally-produced, unfrozen food. Food manufacturing and preservation have become increasingly ingenious over the past few decades, so that most foods in the grocery store have been tampered with in some way.

Likewise, these societal changes have extended to military rations as well. Soldiers in World War II ate things such as tinned meat, local fruit and vegetables, and bread- modern armies are supplied with a huge array of prepackaged and freeze-dried fare for consumption in the field. My point is that, spoiled as we are in the 21st century developed world, it is hard to imagine the hardship of being hungry.

C Rations

The widely-disliked C-ration (a WWII version is seen here) was distributed in the US Army when fresh food or field kitchens were unavailable. Image from Flickr via Wikimedia Commons, attributed to <DK>. CC-BY-SA 2.0

Modern MRE Rations

The modern American Meal, Ready-to-Eat- (or MRE), is equivalent to the old C-ration. However, it includes chili and macaroni, a delicious meal compared to the hard biscuits and meat hash of C-rations. Image from Wikimedia Commons, attributed to Christopherlin. CC-BY-SA 3.0

Challenging though it is, imagine the state of true hunger coupled with the stresses of combat. This was the sober reality for soldiers of the Red Army in WWII. The numerous pincer movements made by the Germans early in the war cut off Red Army supply routes, which often starved the encircled troops at the front. Many of these soldiers were from peasant backgrounds and were not unaccustomed to hunger, but to endure such hardship in combat is quite unimaginable.

The Red Army generally fed its troops with portable field kitchens- but these kitchens were almost always located several miles from the front, so a soldier from each unit would be tasked with walking to the field kitchen and bringing food back for his comrades. This must have been more than a little inconvenient, and I imagine that there must have been several instances where the lone soldier was killed on his journey, leaving his unit hungry.

The Red Army diet had several staples, which were often traditional in origin and simple to prepare:

  • Kasha: a buckwheat porridge that was boiled and could be flavoured with meat.
  • Okroshka: a cold soup of raw vegetables, boiled potatoes, meat, and kvas- which is a fermented beverage made from black bread, immensely popular in Russia.
  • Tyurya: similar to okroshka, but with bread soaked in kvas instead of vegetables.
  • Vodka: the  Red Army soldier received a daily ration of vodka; at 100 grams, it wasn’t much, but it was greatly enjoyed. Later in the war, the vodka ration was increased because of its positive effect on morale.

Dishes like kasha were only easily available when a field kitchen was nearby, and food in combat could be very different. In advance of an operation, however, Red Army soldiers would be issued some sort of sustenance that wouldn’t immediately spoil. This was often black bread and sausages, or perhaps a tin of SPAM; America sent huge amounts of SPAM to the USSR as part of the Lend-Lease Agreement, and the food was a welcome help. In particularly tough times, however, soldiers were left to find their own food. They learned to forage and to rely on the generosity of civilians; female soldiers were usually sent on the latter errand, since they would seem less intimidating to frightened civilians!

On Tuesday this week, I decided to eat nothing but Red Army-style field rations. This was quite an experience, and although I was hungry, I enjoyed it and gained a new appreciation for the life of the Red Army soldier. I began my day with some stale pumpernickel bread and dried raisins; neither of which were particularly appetizing. However, I’d just done a half-hour workout on the treadmill, so I was starving and eager to eat! I really can’t imagine how difficult it would be to walk cross-country carrying a rifle all day on an empty stomach, when I was even unhappy during my short workout.

RKKA Breakfast

Breakfast tasted as uninteresting as it looked

RKKA Lunch

Lunch wasn’t any more satisfying- it was a thin vegetable soup with some seeds sprinkled on top


Fortunately, I had some tea which was a comfort. Red Army soldiers drank a great deal of tea, along with their ration of vodka

It wasn’t 3 in the afternoon before I was feeling so hungry and cranky that I decided to have a nap, in an attempt to distract myself. This method did work, however an afternoon nap would hardly have been an option for Red Army soldiers in the midst of combat.

Finally, it was suppertime- time to open a tin of SPAM! My parents gave me a tin of the stuff for Christmas, but I don’t think they expected me to eat it as part of a Red Army meal!


SPAM helped to save the starving Red Army during World War II- although I wonder what the Russians really thought of it!

I had SPAM with some pickled beets and a ration of vodka, and I sincerely enjoyed my supper! Still, it was all very salty, and living for more than a few days on fare like this would be unpleasant if not vile. It’s a wonder that soldiers of the Red Army managed during WWII, and I have great respect for them for doing so.

RKKA Supper

Beets (as well as anything pickled) are a staple of Russian cuisine, and when one is hungry, they pair surprisingly well with SPAM

RKKA Vodka

Like surely many Red Army soldiers, I was really looking forward to my ration of vodka. Sadly, it didn’t last long!

Conditions were never easy for soldiers of the Red Army during World War II, and I hope that this post has helped to illustrate just how all-encompassing these trials were! Soldiers from any country weren’t spoiled at mealtimes, but due to the vastness of the Eastern Front and the early defensive failures of the Red Army, Soviet soldiers suffered perhaps most acutely overall. The unfortunate food situation, coupled with the ferocity and fruitlessness of much of their combat, made for a truly trying experience on the Eastern Front.


Responses to “Everyday Hardship: The Red Army Soldier’s Diet”

  1. Maison Bentley Style

    I think the vodka was much needed! xxx

    1. aerjacobs

      It was indeed… doubt I would have managed without it! Thanks for reading!

  2. lester quick

    The Russians were barbarians

    1. aerjacobs

      Things certainly were different in comparison to Britain and America’s situations!

  3. Robert Milchem

    Nice article. Harsh conditions the soveits had.

    1. aerjacobs

      Thank you, I appreciate it! They certainly had a lot against them during the war.

  4. Melvin Martin

    Quite interesting…I love how you made a sincere attempt to duplicate such fare…years ago I did something similar with a sample of a US cavalry (“Indian Wars” era) daily field ration of hardtack, beef jerky and water for a week…I got used to it after the second day and on the seventh day I had lost 5 pounds…BTW: If you are a student of the Red Army in WWII, I must recommend Hellstorm by Thomas Goodrich…a thoroughly fascinating read! (To read it for free there is a pdf version now available).

    1. aerjacobs

      Thanks for your kind words, I’m glad you appreciated my attempts! Also glad to hear that there’s someone out there who went a similar route. I must say, hardtack and beef jerky sounds even less palatable than the Red Army cuisine… no wonder you lost weight! Thank you for the recommendation, I’m always excited to find new reads and Hellstorm looks excellent. All the best to you!

  5. Kenneth McDonald

    I saw on “The World at War” in Stalingrad bread was made out of cattle poo, sawdust and soap all mixed in together.

  6. a gray

    A couple of thoughts . . . . (1) Brewing tea required boiling water which assured that bacteria was destroyed. Boiled water assured good health. (2) In the world of today, Spam gets a bad rap, except in Hawaii. There, you can order Spam in most every restaurant where “locals” eat. There is nothing like Spam teriyaki or a breakfast of Spam, fried eggs and white sticky rice. Those that served in World War II tired of Spam because it was so ubiquitous. Eat ribeye steak for a week straight and you will tire of that too. Canned corned beef also was common as were also meat products that came in cans.

    1. aerjacobs

      I like the thought you put into this! Food hygiene and the maintenance of basic health would have been very important in the field. Good point you raise on repetition as well; I imagine that no matter how good rations are they can quickly become mundane due to the regularity of their consumption. I, for one, don’t mind Spam and would certainly like to try the Hawaiian dishes you mentioned! Thanks for reading and for your comment.

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